Commercials | Rügenwalder Mühle
Anni speaks a campaign with several TV and Online commercials for the vegetarian products...
Erxplainer films | Mercedes
Anni speaks a few internal explainer films for the employees of Mercedes.
Game | Rage 2
Anni spricht mehrere Kämpferinnen in dem Game Rage 2 von Bethesda Softworks.
Official Selection | En Vous Ment! 2019
Welcome to the New World has officially been selected by En Vous Ment! Festival Documenteur...
360° VR Films | Mazda
Anni speaks several 360° VR films for Mazda.
Imagefilm | Litreca
Anni speaks an imagefilm for the Litreca AG.
Advertising films | TABBERT
Anni speaks a few online advertising films for TABBERT again.