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Dear clients,

I am regularly available for recordings in outside studios again (excl. dialogue and mass recordings), on condition that they care for the branch-specific infection protection (see below).

Anyhow, I prefer to record from my homestudio for everyone’s safety, if possible.

During the pandemic I can also offer voice recordings from my home-studio as usual.

More infos here.

Together we will make sure that all recordings will be done in the same quality as always – even if the way might be a bit rougher ?

Stay safe!

infection protection guide for studios

  • general keeping of sufficient distance of a minimum of 1,5 meters between all present persons (also during the adjustment of the microphone)
  • wearing of a simple face masks when it comes to direct contact
  • long pauses between the sessions to make it possible to air the studio sufficiently
  • replacement and anti-viral desinfection of the pop-shield before every session
  • limiting of present persons in the studio to the absolute minimum. In the best case let clients listen in per remote recording
  • no entrance to the studio for persons who have been risk areas during the past 2 weeks, persons who don’t respect the protection rules, or persons who have symptoms, such as cough, temperature,  runny nose, diarrhea, loss of sense of taste or smell
  • immediate info to me if someone of the team or studio guests is infected within 2 weeks before or after my visit in the studio

I will bring my own headphones with me.

Let’s take care together by a cautious handling, so that we all can deliver our orders and avoid economic losses!

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